Our Curriculum

What is Birth to 5 matters? 

Birth to 5 Matters provides comprehensive guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in order to ensure that all children have a variety of enriching learning opportunities.

As a Nursery, our practitioners work hard to ensure that the prime areas of learning (communication and language, physical development, personal social and emotional development) are embedded before introducing the specific areas where these apply (literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, and expressive arts and design).

Birth to 5 matters allows our skilled practitioners to work in the moment, extending the children’s interests and current abilities; using the guidance to plan effective and targeted next steps.

If your child attends your nursery, you can expect to receive three detailed ‘in the moment’ observations per month, providing clear explanation of what your child has been doing, the learning gained from each experience, and how it has or will be extended.

Activities and Experiences 

Children are able to access their own choice of a wide range of resources as well as having fun through purposeful play activities developed by our well-qualified Early Years’ Practitioners.

Throughout the year the children will also engage in purposeful activities inspired by current events, festivals and cultural celebrations. We aim to expose our children to a wealth of different cultures, making sure that the Fundamental British Values are embedded in our curriculum. Some events covered within the nursery this year have included Black History Month, Chinese New Year, and the Olympics!

Teachers from the main school also support the nursery children’s development by offering specialist music, sport, and gymnastics sessions, throughout the week. We are very lucky to be able to invite in members of our community to share with us memorable experiences for our children.


Some activities & environments you might see in our nursery:

Role play corners to encourage children’s social and emotional development,

Cosy book corners to promote a love of reading from a young age,

Craft activities, both child and adult led,

Messy and sensory play,

Musical singing and activities,

Outdoor activities,

Fine and gross motor targeting activities,

Forest and Beach school sessions,

And much more!