The story begins in 1928 in Southsea, Portsmouth. The school was called Palmyra School and was started by Miss Lawrence Baker. When WW2 was declared the school was moved to Bournemouth.
In 1941, Miss Gittings took over as Head, one of the youngest in Bournemouth. She changed the name to Park School. As the only teacher, she had to work very hard, relying on her mother for help.
Park School continued to grow and grow. The Gittings bought number 43 to extend the school and to provide a home for themselves.
As the school grew, Mrs Gitting’s sister came to teach along with a new teacher - Mrs Smith who taught at Park for 20 years. The Smith Memorial Hall was built in her name and is part of Park School today.
Park School family grew even further and opened its own Nursery in 2008
In 2013, Park School Nursery extended their family to welcome 2 year olds.
In 2014, Park School acquired Dean Park sports ground. From here sporting activities would take place most days, including hosting their own fixture days.
In 2015, Park School achieved the highest possible mark in the full ISI inspection
In 2016, Dean Park was newly fitted with new astro pitch!
In 2019, Park was ranked as no. 38 in The Sunday Times Top 100 Prep Schools in the UK
In 2020, Park was ranked no.32 in The Sunday Times Top 100 Prep Schools in the UK
Park School Nursery expanded in January 2021 to accept babies from the age of 3 months. The baby room is in a self-contained unit with a separate sleep area. The babies are cared for by dedicated members of the nursery staff team.